Frequently asked questions


How do I cancel my order?

To cancel your order, please contact our customer support by email contact@apexero.com with your order number and say that you want to cancel your order. 

*This function is only possible if your order has not been proceed and fulfilled yet.

I paid but didn't receive an order confirmation?

If you have ordered something from us and it has been successfully debited from your bank or PayPal account this order is also in our system. It may happen that you do not receive an order confirmation email, due to the high volume of orders.

For this reason, please contact us via mail with your full name and address so that we can send you the order confirmation email.

Also please check your spam order for an order confirmation email or see if your payment amount has been deducted by the payment service provider you have chosen.

If you still did not receive an order confirmation email, this could be due to the following reasons: 

  • You canceled your order or your payment was declined. (but even then you will receive an infomation by e-mail)
  • You have entered your email address incorrectly and therefore you will not receive an order confirmation.

    To change your email address, contact us with your full name, address and correct email, so we can change it for you.
  • You are on a fake site (always check the domain of the website or visit for example our social media accounts to get to the right website).

Can I modify my order after it has been fulfilled?

Unfortunately, we can’t make changes to your order after it's been fulfilled.

Once an order is fulfilled, the delivery option, delivery address, payment method, and product sizes can't be changed. 

*If your order is not fulfilled yet, you can contact us and change the delivery option, delivery address, and product sizes or cancel your order.

What if my items are damaged or defective?

We're very sorry if your item arrived damaged or defective. You can make a claim for the item by contacting our customer support via mail. Click here to contact us.

Please tell us all of the information requested, so that we can process your claim as soon as possible.

Please note that the reclamation procedure does not include the option of article exchange.

How can I place an order?

Once you have browsed and decided on a colour and size for an item you want to purchase, place the desired item(s) in the shopping basket. To do this just click on "Add to Cart"

In your basket you will find an overview of all the items you have added. Check your choice of colour, size, and quantity.

If you're happy with your selection, then click on "Checkout" to proceed to payment, and complete your order.

What happens after I order?

You will receive a confirmation email with your order number shortly after you order.

We will also notify you by email as soon as your delivery leaves our warehouse. This email will also provide you with your tracking number. This email is called shipping confirmation.


What payments methods do you accept?

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Maestro
  • AMEX
  • UnionPay
  • ShopPay
  • PayPal
  • Bancontact
  • iDEAL
  • Google Pay
  • Apple Pay

What currency do you accept?

We accept 100+ worldwide currencies. USD, EUR, GBP & more. Currency is automatically set according to your location, you can change it in the menu.


How long is the return period?

You can return your damaged order within 14 Days after you received your order. Check your return process in the next answered questions.

How do I start a return?

You can start return by contacting us here: contact@apexero.com.

Do I have to pay for a return shipment?

Yes, you must pay for the cost of your return.